Friday, August 22, 2008

"be optimistic... don't be a grumpy..."

Martha's Vineyard was fabulous.. or it was pretty good. My best friend has a friend who lives on the island and the first day he drove us around and took us to the beach. Then we discovered our hostel, where we met many different types of people and was relatively clean. It reminded me of camp! The second day I was there some dancers offered morning yoga (7 AM). I was up so I did it (whooo so fun!). Then we rented bikes and biked over twenty miles that day... one of the trips was to Aquinnah, which was uphill somewhat (very painful but we were SO proud). That night her friend drove us to town for some ice cream and pizza and then to a pier to check out some bioluminescence (there was non, unfortunately). On the last day we went to a farmer's market, an outdoor sculpture garden and a fishing town/beach called Mnemensha. There we hung out on some rocks and my friend had a lobster lunch!

The downsides: My friend was kind of grumpy most of the trip (she gets that way when she is tired.. i tried to stay optimistic but that in itself gets exhausting when one person is always upset).
She also was semi restricitng, even on her long bike rides. I think this motivated me to eat more, just to show her it was okay.
She seemed upset with me most of the time but would not voice her opinion. Unfortunately for me I don't read minds.

Her mom and step dad picked us up at the ferry and took us out to Linner (haha, lunch and dinner!), which was so nice of them. My friend was tired and not hungry but again, I stayed cheerful and optimistic.

By the time I got home I had no energy to tell my parents again about all that we did and saw. My mom took me out to frozen yogurt (yum!) and then I came home and had cupcaeks and milk. At first i thought I was binging. But whatever, I need the energy.

Now I am back to the daily grind (so sad!) with lots of work. Yesterday I worked from 2:45 until 10:30 and today I worked 6:30 in the AM until now... yes it was quite the long day. Tomorrow I work again but then there is a cookout after down my street. I'm excited for that but again, nervous food wise. I'll just try not to think about it that much.

After my shift today I was hungry but didnt know what i want so I settled on a bran muffin. I always hate when I do that because I feel like it's "too many carbs".. I should have eaten some protein or peanut butter or something. Oh well, next time I guess. I just enjoy the bran muffins.. i just hate how they are so so sugary!

OH also. This guy who comes into starbucks a lot talked to a neuroscientist who works at MGH and he told her about me.. then he emailed me with her email so I can talk to her.. Sometimes you need to go where life takes you.. I see where this is going..

AND Christian from DENMARK called me! SO EXCITING! He was so cute and told me I should visit next summer. I am seriously considering making the trip.

Maybe I can get mary and/or marissa and/or my brother to join.

Speaking of my brother, we had a great conversation the other night. I just love when that happens... he's such a good kid.

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