Wednesday, September 10, 2008

brand new day

I went to a nurse practitioner at my school yesterday and she helped me to see a little bit clearly. I have resolved to not work out more than four days per week. Instead I will take walks, do yoga, and enjoy time with friends. I think a huge part of my gym retreats is an escape from work and an escape from stress.. to blow off a little steam. I am going to start breaking out my camera again and do things free from food and exercise.

I didnt go to the gym this morning and i have felt bubbly all day.. I had a breach in my schedule, however. My lab got out really early so I went back to my room to do work. I had a snack (after a quick moment's agonization) and it was fine. But I also bought a diet coke off of my friend. I don't know what it is but I can't shake that image of working with a diet coke in hand. I have to break my fascination with caffeine and eating.

I am scheduling dates with friends, eating with people. I had lunch with some friends and surprised myself by my energy. True, half is anxious energy but its energy none-the-less.

I am going to a half an hour awesome abs class tonight. No cardio. If I want cardio I will go for a walk.

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