Monday, September 8, 2008

Mood development

I feel so happy lately; not at all the depressed, moody person I once was. I can face challenges pretty well and daily tasks are not nearly so daunting. My assignments are getting done without as much stress. I am participating in other social activities while keeping myself happy, balanced. Yesterday, after a brunch, my friend Sarah and I canoed on the pond. It was nice and relaxing and it occupied my mind for a while.

Exercise still presents a slight problem in terms of safe quantity. Yesterday I felt tired after 10 minutes.. I don't know what this means (I'm used to going for a half an hour) but I slowed it down and worked out for 20 minutes on the elliptical. I did some weights and some stretching, not too much abs. I was moody after.. a bit. I think I was hungry.

Tuesday I have yoga and I am really excited. Yoga is so amazing. :-)

okay well time to face my day... a very quick workout and then physics. blah to physics.

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